West Virginia

Hi Friends,
The first day of my new journey to decide what I want to do with myself now that my decades of life in public service- elected, appointed or volunteer, is over landed me in Berkeley Springs, W.Va. Berkeley is 100 miles from Annapolis and one of America’s top cities for the arts. In the 18th century it was America’s first and only fashionable spa town.
I spent the day doing spa things- a massage, homeopathic stuff to treat the aches and pains of senior citizens. Found a book on the history of horse racing in the antique mall and looked at the art in Tari’s Café while I enjoyed a late lunch. It is suppose to snow tonight and when it does I will walk back to Tari’s, past the twinkling lights of the many Christmas trees, for a special hot toddy.
If this major winter storm happens I may be here at the Country Inn on Washington Street, the main street, route 522 named after our first president who founded this place for at least another day.
If I can figure out how to do it will include a picture or 2 of the springs. Talk with you tomorrow.
Email me on my Iphone: ellenmoyer@yahoo.com. I’m still learning how to answer so don’t be offended if my reply is slow in coming.

Here a few more shots Berkeley Springs, WV:
Country Inn Hotel

Country Inn, Berkeley Springs, WV

Country Inn, Berkeley Springs, WV

The Berkeley Springs

Berkeley Springs, WV

Berkeley Springs, WV

City Hall, Berkeley Springs, WV

The Castle, Berkeley Springs, WV

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